ZIP Code: 99546, Adak, AK
ZIP Code 99546 is located in Adak, Alaska. Its detail State, County, City, Longitude, Latitude, Envelope Example, Population is as below.

ZIP Code 99546 Information
U.S. - United States
County FIPS:
Area Code:
City Type ?In many cases, a ZIP Code can have multiple "names", meaning cities, towns, or subdivisions, in its boundaries. However, it will ALWAYS have exactly 1 "default" name. D - Default - This is the "preferred" name - by the USPS - for a city. Each ZIP Code has one - and only one - "default" name. In most cases, this is what people who live in that area call the city as well. A - Acceptable - This name can be used for mailing purposes. Often times alternative names are large neighborhoods or sections of the city/town. In some cases a ZIP Code may have several "acceptable" names which is used to group towns under one ZIP Code. N - Not Acceptable - A "not acceptable" name is, in many cases, a nickname that residents give that location. According to the USPS, you should NOT send mail to that ZIP Code using the "not acceptable" name when mailing.:
D (Default)
ZIP Code:
❓What does D (Default) mean? This is the "preferred" name - by the USPS - for a city. Each ZIP Code has one - and only one - "default" name. In most cases, this is what people who live in that area call the city as well.
ZIP Code 99546 Plus 4
ZIP Code 5 plus 4 is the extension of 5-digit zip code, It can be used to locate a more detailed location. The last four digits designate segment or one side of a street or an apartment. You can find the ZIP+4 code and corresponding address of the zip code 99546 below.
ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 | Address |
99546-1811 | PO BOX 1811, ADAK, AK |
99546-1891 | PO BOX 1891, ADAK, AK |
99546-1971 | PO BOX 1971, ADAK, AK |
99546-2051 | PO BOX 2051, ADAK, AK |
99546-5251 | PO BOX 5251, ADAK, AK |
Envelope Example
This is an example of a US zip envelope. You can use a 5-digit zipcode or a detailed 9-digit zipcode to copy the mail in the following address format.

99546 Basic Meaning
What does each digit of ZIP Code 99546 stands for? The first digit designates a national area, which ranges from zero for the Northeast to nine for the far West. The 2-3 digits are the code of a sectional center facility in that region. The last two digits designate small post offices or postal zones.

Online Map
This is online map of the address Adak, Alaska, United States. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.
This is the ZIP Code 99546 - School page list. Its detail School Name, Address, City, State, ZIP Code is as below.
- School Name: Adak School
- Address: 100 Mechanics Rd
- City: Adak
- State: AK
- Grades: KG-12
- ZIP Code: 99546
In all the statistical population, the male population is 199, the female population is 127.
- Male Population: 199
- Female Population: 127
In all the statistical population, the male population is 199, the female population is 127.
- White Population: 90
- Black Population: 13
- Hispanic Population: 29
- Asian Population: 178
- Hawaiian Population: 10
- Indian Population: 46
- Other Population: 28
In all the statistical population, the White population is 90, the Black population is 13, the Hispanic population is 29, the Asian population is 178, the Hawaiian population is 10, the Indian Ppopulation is 46 and Other population is 28.
- Age's Median: 45.5
- Median of male age: 48.5
- Median of female age: 40.7
Households for ZIP Code 99546
ZIP code 99546 has 44 households, with an average number of 2.48 persons per household. The average income per household in Zip code 99546 is 71,667 USD, and the average house value is 23,800 USD.
- Households Per Zipcode: 44
- Persons Per Household: 2.48
- Average House Value: 23,800
- Income Per Household: 71,667
The latitude of the Zip code 99546 is 51.854871, the longitude is -177.088812, and the elevation is 0. It has land area of 13.751 square miles, and water area of 0.102 square miles. The time zone for ZIP code 99546 is Hawaii-Aleutian Islands (GMT -10:00). Daylight saving time should be observed in the area where the zip code is located.
- Latitude: 51.854871
- Longitude: -177.088812
- Elevation: 0
- Land Area: 13.751
- Water Area: 0.102
- Time Zone: Hawaii-Aleutian Islands (GMT -10:00)
- Region: West
- Division: Pacific
- Day Light Saving: Y
Congressional District
ZIP code 99546 belongs to Alaska, Alaska has been entitled to one member in the United States House of Representatives, elected in the state's sole, at-large congressional district. The congressional land area is 571951.26 square mile.
- Congressional District: None
- Congressional Land Area: 571951.26
In the ZIP code 99546, there are 0 residential delivery mailboxes and centralized units, and 0 commercial delivery mailbox and centralized units, 0 single family deliveries and 0 multifamily deliveries, and the box count is 47. The main post office does not have city delivery carrier routes for the ZIP code 99546.
- Delivery Residential: 0
- Delivery Business: 0
- Delivery Total: 47
- Single Family Delivery Units: 0
- Multi Family Delivery Units: 0
- City Delivery Indicator: N
In ZIP code 99546, the number of business is 8, the number of employee is 29, the business first quarter payroll is 158,000 USD, the business annual payroll is 2,885,000 USD.
- Number Of Businesses: 8
- Number Of Employees: 29
- Business First Quarter Payroll: 158,000
- Business Annual Payroll: 2,885,000
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