ZIP Code 48076 Social Characteristics

ZIP Code 48076 Households

  • Total Households

    Total Households:

  • Household Size

    Household Size:

  • Population in Households

    Population in Households:

  • There are 9,996 people living in 23,646 households in ZIP Code 48076, which makes average household size 2.37.

ZIP Code 48076 Household by Type

  • Household by Type Household by Type Female Householder: 3,475 Male Householder: 1,810 Cohabiting Couple Household: 536 Married Couple Family: 4,175
  • 4,175



  • The 9,996 households in ZIP Code 48076 are composed of 4,175 married couple families, 536 cohabiting couples, 1,810 male householders and 3,475 female householders. The majority of households are married couple family.

ZIP Code 48076 Relationship With Householder

Relationship With Householder Relationship With Householder 6627 5302 3977 2651 1326 0 Spouse:4,082 Unmarried Parteners:536 Children:6,627 Other Relatives:1,825 Nonrelatives:580 SpouseUnmarried PartenersChildrenOther RelativesNonrelatives
SpouseUnmarried PartenersChildrenOther RelativesNonrelatives
Unmarried Parteners536
Other Relatives1,825
  • In ZIP Code 48076, there are 4,082 spouses, 536 unmarried partners, 6,627 children, 1,825 other relatives and 580 nonrelatives living in households. The most common relationship between the occupants and householders is children.

ZIP Code 48076 Marital Status

Marital Status Marital Status 4450 3560 2670 1780 890 0 Never Married - Female: 3,889 Married - Female: 4,313 Separated - Female: 226 Widowed - Female: 1,126 Divorced - Female: 1,672 Never Married - Male: 3,523 Married - Male: 4,450 Separated - Male: 186 Widowed - Male: 344 Divorced - Male: 1,004 Male Male Female Female 🙎 💏 🏠 👦 💔
🙎 Never Married💏 Married🏠 Separated👦 Widowed💔 Divorced
🙎 Never Married3,5233,889
💏 Married4,4504,313
🏠 Separated186226
👦 Widowed3441,126
💔 Divorced1,0041,672
  • This section compares the marital status between males and females over 15 years old in ZIP Code 48076. The majority of male marital states is married, making up for 46.8% of male population over 15. The majority of female marital states is married, making up for 38.4% of female population over 15.

ZIP Code 48076 Veteran Status

  • Total Veterans

    Total Veterans:

  • Veteran Ratio

    Veteran Ratio:


ZIP Code 48076 Disability Status

Total Population with a Disability: 3,222

  • Disability Status Disability Status 65 and Older: 1,308 18 to 64 Years Old: 1,814 Under 18: 100
  • 100


  • In ZIP Code 48076, there are 3,222 people with a disability. The majority of disabled population are 18 to 64 years old.

ZIP Code 48076 Residence One Year Ago

ZIP Code 48076 Residence One Year Ago Population One Year Ago: 23,815 Population One Year Ago 23,815 Same House: 21,706 Same House 21,706 Different House: 2,109 Different House 2,109 Same County: 1,440 Same County 1,440 Different County: 636 Different County 636 Abroad: 33 Abroad 33 Same State: 534 Same State 534 Different State: 102 Different State 102 ZIP Code 48076 Residence One Year Ago Population One Year Ago: 23,815 Population One Year Ago 23,815 Same House: 21,706 Same House 21,706 Different House: 2,109 Different House 2,109 Abroad: 33 Abroad 33 Different County: 636 Different County 636 Same County: 1,440 Same County 1,440 Same State: 534 Same State 534 Different State: 102 Different State 102
  • There are 23,815 people living in ZIP Code 48076 one year ago, of which 91.1% are staying in the same house, and 2,109 moved to a different house in the US. Of all people who moved within the US, 1,440 moved into the same county, 636 moved to a different county and 33 moved abroad. Of all people who moved to a different county within the US, 534 moved into the same state, 102 moved to a different state.

ZIP Code 48076 Place of Birth

    • Total Population

      Total Population

  • Place of Birth Place of Birth Foreign Born: 2,314 Born in the US Permanently Inhabited Territories: 115 Born in the US: 21,640



  • In ZIP Code 48076, 90.4% people are native-born, 9.6% are foreign-born.

ZIP Code 48076 U.S. Citizenship Status

  • U.S. Citizenship Status U.S. Citizenship Status Population without US Citizenship: 659 Population with US Citizenship: 23,410
  • 23,410

  • In ZIP Code 48076, 97% people are US citizens, 3% are not.

ZIP Code 48076 Year of Entry

  • Population Born Outside the US

    Population Born Outside the US:

  • Native-born Population

    Native-born Population:

  • Foreign-born Population

    Foreign-born Population:

  • Year of Entry Year of Entry Native-born Population Who Entered in 2010 or Later: 99 Native-born Population Who Entered Before 2010: 16


  • Year of Entry Year of Entry Foreign-born Population Who Entered in 2010 or Later: 1,657 Foreign-born Population Who Entered Before 2010: 657


  • Of all people born outside the US in ZIP Code 48076, most US citizens entered the U.S. in 2010 or later, and most foreign-born population entered in 2010 or later.

More Information

What else do you want to know about the ZIP Code 48076? We collected some information related to ZIP Code 48076, which is closely related to people's lives. These data help people understand the general situation of the community in which they lived or about to live, and the information also has a guiding role for business construction.

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