

  • 👉 如何填寫信封地址?

    • 在左上角寫上退信地址。請務必填寫上面的退信地址。如果由於意外情況導致信件無法送達,將通過完整的退信地址退回您的信件。

    • 收件人的地址寫在信封的中間。請注意,收件人地址一定要填寫完整,並填寫具體的門牌號或房間號,以免丟失物品。

    • 別忘了在右上角貼上郵票,不然承運商可能會把信留在你的郵箱裡。


  • 👉 郵遞區號的每個數字代表什麼?

    • 第1位數字表示國家地區,從東北部到西部數字依次從0到9。

    • 第2-3位數字是該地區的分區中心設施(運輸和配送中心)的代碼。

    • 第4-5位數字表示小型郵局或郵政區。

    • 第6-7位數字表示一個區域或幾個街區。

    • 第8-9位數字表示一小部分區域或街道的一側。


Quiero tocar ese tema por en la actualidad va ver crisis de vivienda por falta de empleo en su país

Hello, what's your opinion about this situation?

La mejor universidad y mas profecional que e asistido


It would be great to hear from you. Do you have any information you would like to know about ZIP codes? It would help us improve our website.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Our website provides US ZIP code query service. The main content of the website is the US ZIP code and related information of the US ZIP code, such as geographical location information, education, economy, society, health and safety, and other information. We also provide postcode inquiries for other countries, you can check it through this website.
If you have any other suggestion, please leave your comment.

Please contact the seller to check the delivery status, or use the tracking number to check, which cannot be checked only through the delivery address.


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