School Name: Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School (OR-00000000002180-00000000000000000922)

Explore Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School at 1151 SW Vermont St Portland OR 97219-2199. Looking for the enrollment, contact number, location, and other information on this page.

Information about Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School, OR

  • School Name:

    Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School

  • School ID: 0411004000975
  • Grade Range: UG
  • School District: Portland SD 1J
  • School Level: High
  • School Type: Regular school
  • Students: 1598
  • Teachers: 80
  • Student Teacher Ratio: 19.88

Contact Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School, OR

  • Phone: ☎️ (503)916-5280
  • Website: 🌎️

Location for Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School, OR

  • State: OR
  • County: Multnomah County
  • City: Portland
  • Street:

    1151 SW Vermont St

  • ZIP Code: 97219-2199
  • Latitude: 45.477443
  • Longitude: -122.689848
  • Mailing Address:

    1151 SW Vermont St Portland OR 97219-2199

Details about Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School, OR

  • Is Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School a charter school? ?What is a Charter School?
    A charter school in the US is a publicly funded school that operates independently of the traditional public school system. It is established under a "charter" granted by a local or state government agency, which allows the school to operate with greater autonomy and flexibility. Charter schools have the freedom to design their own curriculum, teaching methods, and educational approaches within the guidelines set by their charter. They are open to all students, free of charge, and are funded with public tax dollars. However, they often have limited enrollment capacity and may use a lottery system for admission. Charter schools are accountable for meeting specific academic, financial, and operational standards outlined in their charter, and they are subject to oversight by the granting authority.
  • Is Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School a magnet school? ?What is a Magnet School?
    A magnet school in the US is a specialized public school that offers unique educational programs and focuses on specific subject areas, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), performing arts, or foreign languages. These schools aim to attract students from diverse backgrounds by providing specialized curricula and innovative teaching methods. Magnet schools are intended to promote integration and diversity by drawing students from different neighborhoods or school districts. They often feature rigorous academic standards and may require an application process for admission. Magnet schools receive public funding and are held accountable for meeting educational standards. They operate alongside traditional public schools and provide students with alternative educational opportunities. The goal of magnet schools is to provide high-quality education in specialized areas, preparing students for future careers or further academic pursuits.
    † († indicates that the data are not applicable.)
  • Is Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School a Title I School? ?What is a Title I School?
    A Title I school in the United States is a school that receives additional federal funding to support the education of students from low-income families. This funding is provided through Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was enacted to address educational inequalities and ensure that all students have access to a high-quality education.

Public Schools in Portland SD 1J School District

What Schools are in Portland SD 1J School District? There are 86 schools in Portland SD 1J School District. Here is the list of public schools in Portland SD 1J School District, click the link to get more information about the school.

School Name Physical Address
Rieke Elementary School1405 SW Vermont Portland OR 97219-2069
Abernethy Elementary School2421 SE Orange Ave Portland OR 97214-5398
Ainsworth Elementary School2425 SW Vista Ave Portland OR 97201-2399
Alameda Elementary School2732 NE Fremont St Portland OR 97212-2542
Arleta Elementary School5109 SE 66th Ave Portland OR 97206-4599
Astor Elementary School5601 N Yale St Portland OR 97203-5299
Atkinson Elementary School5800 SE Division St Portland OR 97206-1499
Rosa Parks Elementary School8960 N Woolsey Ave Portland OR 97203-2096
Beach Elementary School1710 N Humboldt St Portland OR 97217-3599
Beaumont Middle School4043 NE Fremont St Portland OR 97212-1999
Boise-Eliot Elementary School620 N Fremont Portland OR 97227-1299
Bridger Elementary School7910 SE Market St Portland OR 97215-3656
Bridlemile Elementary School4300 SW 47th Dr Portland OR 97221-3799
Buckman Elementary School320 SE 16th Ave Portland OR 97214-1484
Capitol Hill Elementary School8401 SW 17th Ave Portland OR 97219-4197
Chapman Elementary School1445 NW 26th Ave Portland OR 97210-2498
Chief Joseph Elementary School2409 N Saratoga St Portland OR 97217-5365
Cesar Chavez K-8 School5103 N Willis Blvd Portland OR 97203-3496
Harrison Park School2225 SE 87th Ave Portland OR 97216-2099
Creston Elementary School4701 SE Bush St Portland OR 97206-3299
Duniway Elementary School7700 SE Reed College Pl Portland OR 97202-8499
Faubion Elementary School2930 NE Dekum St Portland OR 97211-6613
George Middle School10000 N Burr Portland OR 97203-1714
Glencoe Elementary School825 SE 51st Ave Portland OR 97215-1785
Gray Middle School5505 SW 23rd Ave Portland OR 97239-2099
Grout Elementary School3119 SE Holgate Blvd Portland OR 97202-3498
Hayhurst Elementary School5037 SW Iowa St Portland OR 97221-1799
Beverly Cleary School1915 NE 33rd Portland OR 97212-5198
Hosford Middle School2303 SE 28th Pl Portland OR 97214-5698
Irvington Elementary School1320 NE Brazee St Portland OR 97212-4199
James John Elementary School7439 N Charleston Ave Portland OR 97203-3797
Kelly Elementary School9030 SE Cooper St Portland OR 97266-5541
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School4906 NE 6th Ave Portland OR 97211-3999
Lane Middle School7200 SE 60th Ave Portland OR 97206-7599
Laurelhurst Elementary School840 NE 41st Ave Portland OR 97232-2698
Lee Elementary School2222 NE 92nd Ave Portland OR 97220-4397
Lent Elementary School5105 SE 97th Ave Portland OR 97266-3799
Lewis Elementary School4401 SE Evergreen St Portland OR 97206-7799
Llewellyn Elementary School6301 SE 14th Ave Portland OR 97202-5496
Maplewood Elementary School7452 SW 52nd Ave Portland OR 97219-1315
Markham Elementary School10531 SW Capitol Hwy Portland OR 97219-6812
Marysville Elementary School7733 SE Raymond St Portland OR 97206-4299
Mt Tabor Middle School5800 SE Ash St Portland OR 97215-1293
Ockley Green Middle School6031 N Montana Portland OR 97217-4799
Peninsula Elementary School8125 N Emerald Ave Portland OR 97217-6199
Richmond Elementary School2276 SE 41st Ave Portland OR 97214-5996
Rigler Elementary School5401 NE Prescott St Portland OR 97218-2159
Roseway Heights School7334 NE Siskiyou St Portland OR 97213-5895
Sabin Elementary School4013 NE 18th Ave Portland OR 97212-1399
Scott Elementary School6700 NE Prescott St Portland OR 97218-3505
Sellwood Middle School8300 SE 15th Ave Portland OR 97202-7198
Sitton Elementary School9930 N Smith St Portland OR 97203-1599
Skyline Elementary School11536 NW Skyline Blvd Portland OR 97231-2603
Stephenson Elementary School2627 SW Stephenson St Portland OR 97219-8285
Sunnyside Environmental School3421 SE Salmon St Portland OR 97214-4299
Vernon Elementary School2044 NE Killingsworth St Portland OR 97211-5599
Vestal Elementary School161 NE 82nd Ave Portland OR 97220-6004
West Sylvan Middle School8111 SW West Slope Dr Portland OR 97225-3831
Whitman Elementary School7326 SE Flavel St Portland OR 97206-7999
Woodlawn Elementary School7200 NE 11th Ave Portland OR 97211-4096
Woodmere Elementary School7900 SE Duke St Portland OR 97206-6337
Woodstock Elementary School5601 SE 50th Ave Portland OR 97206-5679
Benson Polytechnic High School3905 SE 91st Ave Portland OR 97266-2815
Cleveland High School3400 SE 26th Ave Portland OR 97202-2199
Franklin High School5405 SE Woodward St Portland OR 97206-2168
Grant High School2245 NE 36th Ave Portland OR 97212-5299
Jefferson High School5210 N Kerby Ave Portland OR 97217-2699
Lincoln High School1600 SW Salmon St Portland OR 97205-1782
Metropolitan Learning Center2033 NW Glisan St Portland OR 97209-1199
Leodis V. McDaniel High School3905 SE 91st Ave Portland OR 97266-2815
Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School1151 SW Vermont St Portland OR 97219-2199
da Vinci Middle School2508 NE Everett Portland OR 97232-3134
Winterhaven School3830 SE 14th Ave Portland OR 97202-3892
Harriet Tubman Middle School2231 N Flint Portland OR 97227-1992
Jackson Middle School10625 SW 35th Portland OR 97219-6960
Forest Park Elementary School9935 NW Durrett St Portland OR 97229-9183
Emerson School105 NW Park Ave Portland OR 97209-3315
Portland Village School7654 N Delaware St Portland OR 97217
Alliance High School4039 NE Alberta Ct Portland OR 97211-8199
Portland Arthur Academy Charter School7507 SE Yamhill St Portland OR 97215
Creative Science School1231 SE 92nd Ave Portland OR 97216-1899
Le Monde French Immersion Public Charter School2044 E Burnside St Portland OR 97214-1674
Roosevelt High School6941 N Central St Portland OR 97203-6299
Kairos PDX3635 N Williams Portland OR 97227
Rose City Park2334 NE 57th Ave Portland OR 97212
Kellogg Middle School3330 SE 69th Portland OR 97206-2696

Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School Envelope Example

This is an example of a US zip envelope. You can use a 5-digit zipcode or a detailed 9-digit zipcode to copy the mail in the following address format.

ZIP Code: public_school_id-0411004000975


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