School Name: Stonewall Elementary School (KY-034165000-034165085)

Explore Stonewall Elementary School at 3215 Cornwall Dr Lexington KY 40503-4050. Looking for the enrollment, contact number, location, and other information on this page.

Information about Stonewall Elementary School, KY

  • School Name:

    Stonewall Elementary School

  • School ID: 0210186000378
  • Grade Range: UG
  • School District: Fayette County
  • School Level: Elementary
  • School Type: Regular school
  • Students: 673
  • Teachers: 49
  • Student Teacher Ratio: 13.55

Contact Stonewall Elementary School, KY

  • Phone: ☎️ (859)381-3079

Location for Stonewall Elementary School, KY

  • State: KY
  • County: Fayette County
  • City: Lexington
  • Street:

    3215 Cornwall Dr

  • ZIP Code: 40503-4050
  • Latitude: 38.0006
  • Longitude: -84.5546
  • Mailing Address:

    3215 Cornwall Dr Lexington KY 40503

  • Physical Address:

    3215 Cornwall Dr Lexington KY 40503-4050

The vast majority of schools use their physical address as the mailing address, but for schools that use an PO box address as the mailing address, it is best to send letters to the PO box to avoid loss of mail.

Details about Stonewall Elementary School, KY

  • Is Stonewall Elementary School a charter school? ?What is a Charter School?
    A charter school in the US is a publicly funded school that operates independently of the traditional public school system. It is established under a "charter" granted by a local or state government agency, which allows the school to operate with greater autonomy and flexibility. Charter schools have the freedom to design their own curriculum, teaching methods, and educational approaches within the guidelines set by their charter. They are open to all students, free of charge, and are funded with public tax dollars. However, they often have limited enrollment capacity and may use a lottery system for admission. Charter schools are accountable for meeting specific academic, financial, and operational standards outlined in their charter, and they are subject to oversight by the granting authority.
  • Is Stonewall Elementary School a magnet school? ?What is a Magnet School?
    A magnet school in the US is a specialized public school that offers unique educational programs and focuses on specific subject areas, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), performing arts, or foreign languages. These schools aim to attract students from diverse backgrounds by providing specialized curricula and innovative teaching methods. Magnet schools are intended to promote integration and diversity by drawing students from different neighborhoods or school districts. They often feature rigorous academic standards and may require an application process for admission. Magnet schools receive public funding and are held accountable for meeting educational standards. They operate alongside traditional public schools and provide students with alternative educational opportunities. The goal of magnet schools is to provide high-quality education in specialized areas, preparing students for future careers or further academic pursuits.
  • Is Stonewall Elementary School a Title I School? ?What is a Title I School?
    A Title I school in the United States is a school that receives additional federal funding to support the education of students from low-income families. This funding is provided through Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was enacted to address educational inequalities and ensure that all students have access to a high-quality education.

Public Schools in Fayette County School District

What Schools are in Fayette County School District? There are 80 schools in Fayette County School District. Here is the list of public schools in Fayette County School District, click the link to get more information about the school.

School Name Physical Address
Arlington Elementary School122 Arceme Avenue Lexington KY 40505
Ashland Elementary School195 N Ashland Ave Lexington KY 40502
Beaumont Middle School2080 Georgian Way Lexington KY 40504
Scapa At Bluegrass400 Lafayette Pkwy Lexington KY 40503
Crawford Middle School1813 Charleston Dr Lexington KY 40505
Bryan Station Middle School1865 Wickland Dr Lexington KY 40505
Cassidy Elementary School1125 Tates Creek Road Lexington KY 40502
Deep Springs Elementary School1919 Brynell Drive Lexington KY 40505-2296
Dixie Elementary Magnet School1940 Eastland Pkwy Lexington KY 40505
Garden Springs Elementary School2151 Garden Springs Dr Lexington KY 40504-3459
Harrison Elementary School161 Bruce St Lexington KY 40507-1243
Henry Clay High School2100 Fontaine Rd Lexington KY 40502
Lafayette High School401 Reed Ln Lexington KY 40503
Lansdowne Elementary School336 Redding Rd Lexington KY 40517-2318
Leestown Middle School2010 Leestown Rd Lexington KY 40511
Lexington Trad Magnet School350 N Limestone St Lexington KY 40508-1871
Madeline M Breckinridge Elem School2101 St. Mathilda Dr. Lexington KY 40502-1127
Maxwell Spanish Immersion Elem School301 Woodland Ave Lexington KY 40508
Morton Middle School1225 Tates Creek Pk Lexington KY 40502
Northern Elementary School340 Rookwood Pkwy Lexington KY 40505-4050
Picadome Elementary School1642 Harrodsburg Rd Lexington KY 40504-3706
Southern Elementary School340 Wilson Downing Rd Lexington KY 40517-1431
Stonewall Elementary School3215 Cornwall Dr Lexington KY 40503-4050
Russell Cave Elementary School3375 Russell Cave Rd Lexington KY 40511-4050
Tates Creek Elementary School1113 Centre Pkwy Lexington KY 40517
Tates Creek Middle School1105 Centre Pkwy Lexington KY 40517
Tates Creek High School1111 Centre Pkwy Lexington KY 40517
Clays Mill Elementary School2319 Clays Mill Rd Lexington KY 40503
Yates Elementary School695 E New Circle Rd Lexington KY 40505
Glendover Elementary School710 Glendover Rd Lexington KY 40502-2846
Meadowthorpe Elementary School1710 N. Forbes Rd Lexington KY 40511
Bryan Station High School201 Eastin Rd Lexington KY 40505-2010
Mary Todd Elementary School551 Parkside Dr Lexington KY 40505
James Lane Allen Elementary School1901 Appomattox Rd Lexington KY 40504
Jessie M Clark Middle School3341 Clays Mill Rd Lexington KY 40503-3466
Cardinal Valley Elementary School218 Mandalay Rd Lexington KY 40504-1333
Winburn Middle School1060 Winburn Dr Lexington KY 40511
Southern Middle School400 Wilson-Downing Rd Lexington KY 40517
Julius Marks Elementary School3277 Pepperhill Rd Lexington KY 40502
Millcreek Elementary School1212 Reva Ridge Way Lexington KY 40517-5906
Veterans Park Elementary School4351 Clearwater Way Lexington KY 40515
Rosa Parks Elementary School1251 Beaumont Centre Lane Lexington KY 40513
Ridge Hospital Alt. Elementary3050 Rio Dosa Dr Lexington KY 40509
Ridge Hospital Alt. High School3050 Rio Dosa Dr Lexington KY 40509
Audrey Grevious Center1177 Harry Sykes Way Lexington KY 40504
Southside Technical Center1800 Harrodsburg Rd Lexington KY 40504
Eastside Technical Center2208 Liberty Rd Lexington KY 40505
Squires Elementary School3337 Squire Oak Dr. Lexington KY 40515
Paul Laurence Dunbar High School1600 Man O' War Blvd Lexington KY 40513
Martin L King Acad for Excellence Alt2200 Liberty Rd Lexington KY 40505
Edythe Jones Hayes Middle School260 Richardson Place Lexington KY 40509
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary930 Jouett Creek Dr Lexington KY 40509-2430
Central Ky Technical College308 Vo-Tech Road Lexington KY 40511
Kentucky TECH - Central Campus104 Vo-Tech Road Lexington KY 40510
Blackburn Education Center3111 Spurr Road Lexington KY 40511
Sandersville Elementary3025 Sandersville Rd Lexington KY 40511-4050
William Wells Brown Elementary555 E 5th St Lexington KY 40508
Liberty Elementary2585 LIBERTY RD Lexington KY 40509
Opportunity Middle College470 Cooper Drive Lexington KY 40506-4050
Wellington Elementary3280 Keithshire Way Lexington KY 40503
Fayette County Learning Center475 Price Road Lexington KY 40508
Fayette Pre-School465 Springhill Drive Lexington KY 40503-4050
Homebound Secondary701 E Main St Lexington KY 40502
Homebound Elementary701 E Main St Lexington KY 40502
The Stables4089 Iron Works Pike Lexington KY 40511
Carter G. Woodson Academy2000 Winchester Road Lexington KY 40509
Family Care Center1135 Harry Sykes Way Lexington KY 40504-4050
Fayette County Preschool Center165 Springhill Dr Lexington KY 40503
STEAM Academy123 East 6 Street Lexington KY 40508
Locust Trace AgriScience Center3591 Leestown Road Lexington KY 40511-4050
UK Early Childhood LabRoom 12 Erikson Hall Lexington KY 40506
Booker T Washington Elementary School707 Howard Street Lexington KY 40508
Coventry Oak Elementary2441 Huntly Place Lexington KY 40511-4050
Garrett Morgan Elementary1150 Passage Mound Way Lexington KY 40509-4050
Frederick Douglass High School2000 Winchester Road Lexington KY 40509-4050
Success Academy1555 Georgetown Road Lexington KY 40508-4050
Brenda Cowan Elementary4801 Athens-Boonesboro Road Lexington KY 40509
Rise STEM Academy for Girls2420 SPURR RD LEXINGTON KY 40511
Carter G. Woodson Preparatory Academy701 E Main St Lexington KY 40502

Stonewall Elementary School Envelope Example

This is an example of a US zip envelope. You can use a 5-digit zipcode or a detailed 9-digit zipcode to copy the mail in the following address format.

ZIP Code: public_school_id-0210186000378


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