School Name: CTD - Buena High School (AZ-79403-92299)

Explore CTD - Buena High School at 5225 E BUENA SCHOOL BLVD SIERRA VISTA AZ 85635-2392. Looking for the enrollment, contact number, location, and other information on this page.

Information about CTD - Buena High School, AZ

  • School Name:

    CTD - Buena High School

  • School ID: 040034503390
  • Grade Range: 09-12
  • School District: Cochise Technology District (79403)
  • School Level: High
  • School Type: Career and Technical School
  • Students: 0
  • Teachers: 0
  • Student Teacher Ratio: 0.00

Contact CTD - Buena High School, AZ

  • Phone: ☎️ (520)515-2800

Location for CTD - Buena High School, AZ

  • State: AZ
  • County: Cochise County
  • Street:


  • ZIP Code: 85635-2392
  • Latitude: 31.570175
  • Longitude: -110.23789
  • Mailing Address:

    6506 E MILLS MAERKER RD WILLCOX AZ 85643-4604

  • Physical Address:


The vast majority of schools use their physical address as the mailing address, but for schools that use an PO box address as the mailing address, it is best to send letters to the PO box to avoid loss of mail.

Details about CTD - Buena High School, AZ

  • Is CTD - Buena High School a charter school? ?What is a Charter School?
    A charter school in the US is a publicly funded school that operates independently of the traditional public school system. It is established under a "charter" granted by a local or state government agency, which allows the school to operate with greater autonomy and flexibility. Charter schools have the freedom to design their own curriculum, teaching methods, and educational approaches within the guidelines set by their charter. They are open to all students, free of charge, and are funded with public tax dollars. However, they often have limited enrollment capacity and may use a lottery system for admission. Charter schools are accountable for meeting specific academic, financial, and operational standards outlined in their charter, and they are subject to oversight by the granting authority.
  • Is CTD - Buena High School a magnet school? ?What is a Magnet School?
    A magnet school in the US is a specialized public school that offers unique educational programs and focuses on specific subject areas, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), performing arts, or foreign languages. These schools aim to attract students from diverse backgrounds by providing specialized curricula and innovative teaching methods. Magnet schools are intended to promote integration and diversity by drawing students from different neighborhoods or school districts. They often feature rigorous academic standards and may require an application process for admission. Magnet schools receive public funding and are held accountable for meeting educational standards. They operate alongside traditional public schools and provide students with alternative educational opportunities. The goal of magnet schools is to provide high-quality education in specialized areas, preparing students for future careers or further academic pursuits.
  • Is CTD - Buena High School a Title I School? ?What is a Title I School?
    A Title I school in the United States is a school that receives additional federal funding to support the education of students from low-income families. This funding is provided through Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was enacted to address educational inequalities and ensure that all students have access to a high-quality education.

Public Schools in Cochise Technology District (79403) School District

What Schools are in Cochise Technology District (79403) School District? There are 13 schools in Cochise Technology District (79403) School District. Here is the list of public schools in Cochise Technology District (79403) School District, click the link to get more information about the school.

School Name Physical Address
CTD - Willcox High School240 N BISBEE AVE WILLCOX AZ 85643-1905
CTD - Valley Union High School4088 W JEFFERSON RD ELFRIDA AZ 85610-9125
CTD - St. David High School70 E PATTON ST SAINT DAVID AZ 85630-6207
CTD - San Simon High School2226 W. Business I-10 San Simon AZ 85632
CTD - Tombstone High School1211 N Yellow Jacket Way Tombstone AZ 85638
CTD - Benson High School360 S PATAGONIA ST BENSON AZ 85602-6533
CTD - Bowie High School315 W. 5th Street Bowie AZ 85605
CTD - Douglas High School1500 E 15TH ST DOUGLAS AZ 85607-1731
CTD - Cochise Technology School6506 E MILLS MAERKER RD WILLCOX AZ 85643-4604
CTD - Bisbee High School325 School Terrace Road Bisbee AZ 85603
CTD - Buena High School5225 E BUENA SCHOOL BLVD SIERRA VISTA AZ 85635-2392
CTD - Cochise College901 COLOMBO AVE SIERRA VISTA AZ 85635-2317
CTD - Patagonia High School200 NAUGLE AVE PATAGONIA AZ 85624

CTD - Buena High School Envelope Example

This is an example of a US zip envelope. You can use a 5-digit zipcode or a detailed 9-digit zipcode to copy the mail in the following address format.

ZIP Code: public_school_id-040034503390


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