County: Guaynabo - PR

This is Guaynabo county page. This page contains the city and zip code of Guaynabo County, you can check the detailed information below.

Basic Information Basic Information

  • Country:

    U.S. - United States

  • State:

    PR - Puerto Rico

  • State Abbreviation:


  • County:


  • County FIPS:


County-image: FIPS-72061

Guaynabo - ZIP Code Guaynabo - ZIP Code

This is the ZIP Code list of Guaynabo with a total number of 7 ZIP Code. You can click the link to get more information about each ZIP Code.

Guaynabo - City Guaynabo - City

This is the city list of Guaynabo with a total number of 143 cities or equivalent administrative regions. You can click the link to get more information about each city.

Envelope Example Envelope Example

This is an example of a US zip envelope. You can use a 5-digit zipcode or a detailed 9-digit zipcode to copy the mail in the following address format.

ZIP Code: county-Guaynabo
United States Envelope Example

For more explanation, please read the official document: USA.pdf . (English)

County: Guaynabo - PR


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